Murilo Pereira

I'm a software engineer living in Munich, Germany. I enjoy playing guitar, lifting weights, and programming computers.

I like to improve people's lives by solving problems. Sometimes that involves technology.

My current focus(as of Mar 2024) is to improve my performance in weightlifting and weighted calisthenics, and to maximize my athleticism and healthspan.

I also have a few software projects in the works.

In my career I have built

  • petabyte-scale data processing systems for an email analytics product
  • software to orchestrate containers and stateful distributed systems, used by Fortune 500 companies
  • end-to-end deployment and telemetry systems for self-driving cars

Some of my long-running technical interests are

  • distributed systems
  • databases
  • functional programming
  • building sustainable online businesses
  • game development

When programming, I enjoy writing Clojure. These days I'm also writing lots of Python and TypeScript.

You can follow me on Twitter at @mpereira or email me at



bring the flow of the river
to my living room,
where we


I—quick on my feet—make up lines,
and make lines vibrate,
to draw lines around your smiling eyes.
Which along the lines
that give you form,
nurture my warm bones,
and ground my soul,
like a kite.

Entre Raízes

Com areia nos bolsos
E barro embaixo do chinelo

Viram as histórias descascando da pele
Com um pé ali e outro acolá
Me perguntaram onde pertenço

Respondi insatisfatória(mente)
Mas resoluto

Cheiro de Sol

O cheiro do sol
Me bota um sorriso leve
No rosto já queimado
Fecho os olhos
Pra memória enraizar

Janela Nova

Ao mesmo tempo
Um abrigo e um convite
Desse mundo louco
Com tanta coisa pra fazer

Pra abafar o som da vida
E a gente descansar

Mas abre!
Pra não esquecer do brilho de fora
E a gente explorar

In The Limit

for long stretches of time
I am.

Sleepwalking, absentmindedly
I forget
whom I made the decision to be.

A threshold is crossed, I snap.

The colorful cacophony subsides.
I remember.
I see it again.

My directed graph of desire.

I breathe in.

As I exhale the fog
I reset my current state
to once again,

New Shoes

I tried
Your shoes on (just for a second)
Why are they so heavy?
I had to take them off

Like a dying star
They sucked in all of the colors
From your new welcoming rainbow rug

I start a melody, and you innocently join in
The notes build up to a scale that needs to be resolved
And it takes courage to finish

You don’t like the dissonance, and demand that I continue
I arrange my fingers in the right shape and strum the chord
I play it lightly, but the sound is still so loud
That it blows out the candle

It’s now silent, and there’s little light
The bed is still warm, our arms and legs still touch
I turn right and see your lightly closed eyes
The sparkling blue now covered by heavy lids

Your face is a message
And I understand it completely
You’re accepting the shoes

It takes me another second
And it kills me to realize

You have no choice but to wear them.